Source code for pakettikauppa.merchant

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" This is a module for Pakettikauppa integration for merchants to use

The module provides below functionality:
    1. Get shipping method list
    2. Get additional service list
    3. Search pickup points
    4. Get shipment status
    5. Create shipment
    6. Get shipping label
from __future__ import absolute_import

__version__ = '0.1'
__author__ = 'Porntip Chaibamrung'

import sys
import logging
from six import string_types
from base64 import b64decode
from time import time
from datetime import datetime
from lxml import etree as ET
from .pakettikauppa import Pakettikauppa, PakettikauppaException, check_api_name

[docs]def decode_pdf_content(encoded_pdf_content): if encoded_pdf_content is None or encoded_pdf_content == '': raise ValueError("No PDF content data") decoded_pdf_content = b64decode(encoded_pdf_content) return decoded_pdf_content
[docs]def write_pdf_to_file(target_file_path, pdf_content): with open(target_file_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(pdf_content) return 1
[docs]class PkMerchant(Pakettikauppa): _api_key = None _secret = None _isInTestMode = 1 _api_mapping = { 'get_shipping_method_list': '/shipping-methods/list', 'get_additional_service_list': '/additional-services/list', 'search_pickup_points': '/pickup-points/search', 'get_shipment_status': '/shipment/status', 'create_shipment': '/prinetti/create-shipment', 'get_shipping_label': '/prinetti/get-shipping-label' } _package_types = ('PC', 'PU', 'ZPF', 'ZPE', 'ZPT', 'CG', 'ZPX', 'PM', 'TB', 'TC', 'TU', 'LTK', 'KA', 'VA') # Possible package type codes # 'PC' = Paketti / Kirje # 'PU' = Rullakko # 'ZPF' = FIN-lava (100x120) # 'ZPE' = EURO-lava(80x120) # 'ZPT' = TEHO-lava(80x60) # 'CG' = Häkki # 'ZPX' = Huonekalulava # 'PM' = Termolaatikko 40 litraa # 'TB' = Termolaatikko 102 litraa # 'TC' = Termolaatikko 65 litraa # 'TU' = Termorullakko # 'LTK' = Laatikko # 'KA' = Kassi # 'VA' = Vaunu _return_instruction_codes = ('E', 'H', 'L') # 'E' = Edullisinta reittiä (most economical route) # 'H' = Hävitetään (treat as abandoned) # 'L' = Lentoteitse (immediately by air) _content_codes = ('D', 'E', 'G', 'M', 'S') # 'D' = Asiakirjoja (Documents) # 'E' = DocPack (Envelope) # 'G' = Lahja (Gift) # 'M' = Kauppatavaraa (Merchandise) # 'S' = Näyte (Sample) _accept_sender_keys = ('Sender.Contractid', 'Sender.Name1', 'Sender.Name2', 'Sender.Addr1', 'Sender.Addr2', 'Sender.Addr3', 'Sender.Postcode', 'Sender.City', 'Sender.Country', 'Sender.Phone', 'Sender.Vatcode', 'Sender.Email') _accept_recipient_keys = ('Recipient.Code', 'Recipient.Name1', 'Recipient.Name2', 'Recipient.Addr1', 'Recipient.Addr2', 'Recipient.Addr3', 'Recipient.Postcode', 'Recipient.City', 'Recipient.Country', 'Recipient.Phone', 'Recipient.Vatcode', 'Recipient.Email') _accept_parcel_keys = ('Parcel.Reference', 'Parcel.Packagetype', 'Parcel.Weight', 'Parcel.Volume', 'Parcel.Infocode', 'Parcel.Contents', 'Parcel.ReturnService', 'Parcel.contentline', 'Parcel.ParcelService') _accept_content_line_keys = ('contentline.description', 'contentline.quantity', 'contentline.currency', 'contentline.netweight') def __init__(self, is_test_mode=0, api_key=None, secret=None): """ Constructor for the class. :param is_test_mode: integer value to identify test mode operation. Default value is zero. If you set value to\ one, you don't need to pass data to 'api_key' and 'secret' parameter unless you want to use your own test\ credential. :param api_key: string of API key :param secret: string of secret key :rtype class object """ self._isInTestMode = is_test_mode # super().__init__(self._isInTestMode) # for Python3 only super(PkMerchant, self).__init__(self._isInTestMode) self.mylogger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if self._isInTestMode == 1: if api_key is None or api_key == '': self._api_key = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' else: self._api_key = api_key if secret is None or secret == '': self._secret = str('1234567890ABCDEF') else: self._secret = secret else: if api_key is None: raise PakettikauppaException("Missing API key") else: self._api_key = api_key if secret is None: raise PakettikauppaException("Missing API secret key") else: self._secret = secret
[docs] @check_api_name def get_api_suffix(self, api_name=None): """ Get API suffix for the API name :param api_name: string of API name :return api_suffix: string of API suffix """ if api_name in self._api_mapping: return str(self._api_mapping[api_name]) else: raise PakettikauppaException("Invalid API name")
[docs] def get_api_config(self, api_name=None): """ Constructs API configuration :param api_name: string of API name :return dict_data: dictionary of configuration data dict_data keys: api_post_url (string): post URL address api_key (string): API key api_secret (string): secret key """ _api_suffix = self.get_api_suffix(api_name) _api_post_url = super(PkMerchant, self).get_post_url(_api_suffix) _api_config = { 'api_post_url': _api_post_url, 'api_key': self._api_key, 'api_secret': self._secret } return _api_config
[docs] def search_pickup_points(self, **kwargs): """ Main method to search pickup points :param kwargs: see get_pickup_point_req_data() function :return: list of pickup point data """ _api_config = self.get_api_config('search_pickup_points') dict_req_data = self.get_pickup_point_req_data(_api_config['api_key'], **kwargs) res_obj = super(PkMerchant, self).send_request('POST', _api_config['api_post_url'], dict_req_data) return self.parse_res_to_list(res_obj)
[docs] def get_pickup_point_req_data(self, api_key, **kwargs): """ Constructs request data for search pickup point API :param api_key: string of API key :param kwargs: Kwargs: postal_code (string): postal code (mandatory) country_code2 (string): 2 letters of country code i.e 'FI'. Default is 'FI' street_address (string): street address service_provider (string): Limits search to a single service provider, possible values: "Posti", \ "Matkahuolto" or "Db Schenker". Case insensitive values. max_result (integer): maximum number of search results. Default is 5 :return dict_data: dictionary of request data """ # key error is thrown automatically if postal code is empty _postal_code = kwargs['postal_code'] if _postal_code is None or _postal_code == '': raise ValueError("Require postal code data") _country_code2 = kwargs['country_code2'] if _country_code2 is None or _country_code2 == '': _country_code2 = 'FI' else: _country_code2 = _country_code2.upper() _street_address = kwargs['street_address'] _service_provider = kwargs['service_provider'] _max_result = kwargs['max_result'] if _max_result is None: _max_result = 5 else: _max_result = str(int(_max_result)) _time_stamp = kwargs['timestamp'] if _time_stamp is None: # 'timestamp' must come in this format '1512575546' _time_stamp = str(int(time())) dict_req_data = { 'api_key': api_key, 'postcode': str(_postal_code), 'timestamp': _time_stamp, 'limit': _max_result, 'country': _country_code2, } if _street_address is not None: dict_req_data['address'] = _street_address if _service_provider is not None: dict_req_data['service_provider'] = _service_provider # Calculate MAC digest_string = self.get_hash_sha256(self._secret, **dict_req_data) dict_req_data['hash'] = digest_string self.mylogger.debug("Hash input data for pickup point search= {}".format(dict_req_data)) # content_string = '' # for key, value in dict_req_data.items(): # content_string += key + '&' + value return dict_req_data
[docs] def get_shipping_method_list(self, language_code2='EN'): """ Get list of available shipping method for the account :param language_code2: 2 letters of language code. Default value is 'EN' :return list_data: list of response data """ if language_code2 is not None: language_code2 = language_code2.upper() _api_config = self.get_api_config('get_shipping_method_list') dict_req_data = { 'api_key': _api_config['api_key'], 'timestamp': str(int(time())), 'language': language_code2 } digest_string = self.get_hash_sha256(self._secret, **dict_req_data) dict_req_data['hash'] = digest_string self.mylogger.debug("Hash input data = {}".format(dict_req_data)) res_obj = super(PkMerchant, self).send_request('POST', _api_config['api_post_url'], dict_req_data) return self.parse_res_to_list(res_obj)
[docs] def get_additional_service_list(self, language_code2='EN'): """ Get list of additional service for the account :param language_code2: 2 letters of language code. Default value is 'EN' :return list_data: list of response data """ if language_code2 is not None: language_code2 = language_code2.upper() if language_code2 == '': language_code2 = 'EN' _api_config = self.get_api_config('get_additional_service_list') dict_req_data = { 'api_key': _api_config['api_key'], 'timestamp': str(int(time())), 'language': language_code2 } digest_string = self.get_hash_sha256(self._secret, **dict_req_data) dict_req_data['hash'] = digest_string self.mylogger.debug("Hash input data = {}".format(dict_req_data)) res_obj = super(PkMerchant, self).send_request('POST', _api_config['api_post_url'], dict_req_data) return self.parse_res_to_list(res_obj)
[docs] def create_shipment(self, **kwargs): """ Main function to send a request to Pakettikauppa to create shipment. :param kwargs: See get_xml_shipment_req_data() function :return dict_data: See parse_xml_create_shipment_res() function """ # This API send request data in XML format _api_config = self.get_api_config('create_shipment') # xml_req_data = None if self._isInTestMode: if kwargs is not None and len(kwargs) > 0: xml_req_data = self.get_xml_shipment_req_data(**kwargs) else: raise Exception("Require input parameters") else: xml_req_data = self.get_xml_shipment_req_data(**kwargs) headers = { 'Content-Encoding': 'utf-8', 'Content-Type': 'application/xml' } res_obj = super(PkMerchant, self).send_request('POST', _api_config['api_post_url'], xml_req_data, **headers) xml_res_string = res_obj.content self.mylogger.debug("Response XML string = {}".format(xml_res_string)) return self.parse_xml_create_shipment_res(xml_res_string)
[docs] def create_shipment_with_simple_data(self, **kwargs): """ Same as create_shipment() function expect the input parameter is in shorter format This API send request data in XML format. :param kwargs: see get_simple_test_data_create_shipment() function :return dict_data: See parse_xml_create_shipment_res() function """ _api_config = self.get_api_config('create_shipment') if self._isInTestMode: if kwargs is not None: xml_req_data = self.get_xml_shipment_req_data(**kwargs) else: simple_dict_data = self.get_simple_test_data_create_shipment() req_data = self.get_proper_req_data_create_shipment(**simple_dict_data) xml_req_data = self.get_xml_shipment_req_data(**req_data) else: xml_req_data = self.get_xml_shipment_req_data(**kwargs) headers = { 'Content-Encoding': 'utf-8', 'Content-Type': 'application/xml' } res_obj = super(PkMerchant, self).send_request('POST', _api_config['api_post_url'], xml_req_data, **headers) xml_res_string = res_obj.content self.mylogger.debug("Response XML string = {}".format(xml_res_string)) return self.parse_xml_create_shipment_res(xml_res_string)
[docs] def parse_xml_create_shipment_res(self, xml_string): """ Constructs dictionary from response XML string :param xml_string: string of XML data :return dict_data: dictionary of response data dict_data contains following keys: status (integer): 1 = status OK message (string): response message from Pakettikauppa reference (dictionary): contains two keys: 'uuid' and 'value' trackingcode (dictionary): contains two keys: 'tracking_url' and 'value' (tracking code) """ root = ET.fromstring(xml_string) status_element = root.find("response.status") status = str(status_element.text) self.mylogger.debug("Response status from Pakettikauppa = {}".format(status)) message_element = root.find("response.message") # Pakettikauppa return status=0 means OK if status == '0': ref_element = root.find("response.reference") uuid = ref_element.get("uuid") tracking_code_element = root.find("response.trackingcode") tracking_url = tracking_code_element.get("tracking_url") dict_res = { 'status': 1, 'message': message_element.text, 'reference': {'uuid': uuid, 'value': ref_element.text}, 'trackingcode': {'tracking_url': tracking_url, 'value': tracking_code_element.text} } else: dict_res = { 'status': 0, 'message': message_element.text, 'reference': None, 'trackingcode': None } self.mylogger.error("Error code = {}, Message={}".format(status, message_element.text)) self.mylogger.debug("Hash return data = {}".format(dict_res)) return dict_res
[docs] def get_routing_key(self, routing_id): """ Calculate routing key. :param routing_id: string of routing ID :return digest_string: digest string of MD5 hash """ digest_string = self.get_md5_hash(self._api_key, self._secret, routing_id) return digest_string
[docs] def get_create_shipment_test_req_data(self): """ Generates test data set for create shipment request call. :return dict_data: dictionary of request data """ dict_data = self.get_create_shipment_test_data() return dict_data
[docs] def get_simple_test_data_create_shipment(self): """ Generate more simplify version of request data of create shipment API. Output of this function should then pass to get_proper_req_data_create_shipment() function to get right data structure for request input data. For full version see get_create_shipment_test_data() function. :return dict_data: dictionary of request data """ routing_id = '1464524676' order_alias = 'ORDER001' dict_data = { 'Routing': { 'account': self._api_key, 'id': routing_id, 'name': order_alias, }, 'Shipment': { 'Sender': { 'Name': 'Vilkas Group Oy', 'Address': 'Finlaysoninkuja 19', 'PostalCode': '33210', 'City': 'Tampere', 'Country': 'FI', 'Phone': '', 'Vatcode': '1234567-8', 'Email': '', }, 'Recipient': { 'Name': 'Receiver name', 'Address': 'Nikinvayla 3 test', 'PostalCode': '33100', 'City': 'Tampere', 'Country': 'FI', 'Phone': '123456789', 'Vatcode': '', 'Email': '', }, 'Consignment': { 'Reference': '3211479032410', 'ProductCode': '90010', # - Posti's product code 2103 'ContentCode': 'D', # Order->get('PR_ContentCode') 'ReturnInstruction': 'E', # Order->get('PR_ReturnInstruction') 'InvoiceNumber': order_alias, 'MerchandiseValue': 150, # Order->get('PR_Merchandisevalue') 'Currency': 'EUR', 'AdditionalInfoText': "Order no.: 1107-1 -- Reference no.: 284554", 'AdditionalServices': [ { 'ServiceCode': '2106', # pickup point service 'Specifier': { 'name': 'pickup_point_id', 'value': '8547', } }, { 'ServiceCode': '3101', # cash on delivery service 'Specifier': [ { 'name': 'amount', 'value': '150' }, { 'name': 'account', 'value': 'FI2180000012345678' }, { 'name': 'codbic', 'value': 'DABAFIHH' }, { 'name': 'reference', 'value': '12344' }, ] }, ], 'Parcels': [ { 'Reference': '123456', # not mandatory 'PackageType': 'PC', 'Weight': {'weight_unit': 'kg', 'value': '1.2'}, 'Volume': {'unit': 'm3', 'value': '0.6'}, 'InfoCode': '1012', 'Contents': 'Test products', # product description 'ReturnService': '123', # Customs declaration info (for medicine) 'ContentLine': { 'description': 'Puita', 'quantity': 1, 'currency': 'EUR', 'netweight': 1, 'value': 100, 'countryoforigin': 'FI', 'tariffcode': '9608101000', }, # this is not really needed in Pakettikauppa but Prinetti # 'ParcelServices': [] 'ParcelServices': [ { 'ServiceCode': 'parcel service code' }, { 'ServiceCode': 'parcel service code 2' }, ] }, { 'Reference': '123457', 'PackageType': 'PC', 'Weight': {'weight_unit': 'kg', 'value': '1.2'}, 'Volume': {'unit': 'm3', 'value': '0.6'}, 'InfoCode': '1012', 'Contents': 'Muttereita ja puita', # product description 'ReturnService': '123', # Customs declaration info (for medicine) 'ContentLine': {}, 'ParcelServices': None }, ] } # end Shipment.Consignment } # end Shipment } return dict_data
[docs] def get_proper_req_data_create_shipment(self, **simple_dict_data): """ Generate low lever of request input data for create shipment API. :param simple_dict_data: see output of get_simple_test_data_create_shipment() function :return dict_data: dictionary of request data """ if simple_dict_data is None or len(simple_dict_data) == 0: raise KeyError("Require dictionary of input parameters for formatting") _routing_id = simple_dict_data['Routing']['id'] dict_data = { 'eChannel': { 'ROUTING': { 'Routing.Account': simple_dict_data['Routing']['account'], 'Routing.Key': self.get_routing_key(_routing_id), 'Routing.Id': _routing_id, 'Routing.Name': simple_dict_data['Routing']['name'], 'Routing.Time':'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), # - Ignored parameters in Pakettikauppa # 'Routing.Target' => { 'content' => '' }, # 'Routing.Source' => { 'content' => '' }, # 'Routing.Version' => { 'content' => '' }, # 'Routing.Mode' => { 'content' => '' }, }, 'Shipment': { 'Shipment.Sender': { 'Sender.Contractid': '', 'Sender.Name1': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Sender']['Name'], 'Sender.Name2': '', 'Sender.Addr1': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Sender']['Address'], 'Sender.Addr2': '', 'Sender.Addr3': '', 'Sender.Postcode': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Sender']['PostalCode'], 'Sender.City': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Sender']['City'], 'Sender.Country': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Sender']['Country'], 'Sender.Phone': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Sender']['Phone'], 'Sender.Vatcode': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Sender']['Vatcode'], 'Sender.Email': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Sender']['Email'], }, 'Shipment.Recipient': { 'Recipient.Code': '', 'Recipient.Name1': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Recipient']['Name'], 'Recipient.Name2': '', 'Recipient.Addr1': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Recipient']['Address'], 'Recipient.Addr2': '', 'Recipient.Addr3': '', 'Recipient.Postcode': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Recipient']['PostalCode'], 'Recipient.City': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Recipient']['City'], 'Recipient.Country': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Recipient']['Country'], 'Recipient.Phone': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Recipient']['Phone'], 'Recipient.Vatcode': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Recipient']['Vatcode'], 'Recipient.Email': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Recipient']['Email'], }, 'Shipment.Consignment': { 'Consignment.Reference': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Consignment']['Reference'], 'Consignment.Product': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Consignment']['ProductCode'], 'Consignment.Contentcode': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Consignment']['ContentCode'], 'Consignment.ReturnInstruction': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Consignment'][ 'ReturnInstruction'], 'Consignment.Invoicenumber': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Consignment']['InvoiceNumber'], 'Consignment.Merchandisevalue': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Consignment']['MerchandiseValue'], 'Consignment.Currency': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Consignment']['Currency'], 'Consignment.AdditionalInfo': { 'AdditionalInfo.Text': simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Consignment']['AdditionalInfoText'], }, 'Consignment.AdditionalService': '', 'Consignment.Parcel': '' } # end Shipment.Consignment } # end Shipment } # end eChannel } _additional_services = self.generate_additional_services_data( simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Consignment']['AdditionalServices'] ) if _additional_services is not None and len(_additional_services) > 0: dict_data['eChannel']['Shipment']['Shipment.Consignment']['Consignment.AdditionalService'] \ = _additional_services _parcel_services = self.generate_parcels_data( simple_dict_data['Shipment']['Consignment']['Parcels'] ) if _parcel_services is not None and len(_parcel_services) > 0: dict_data['eChannel']['Shipment']['Shipment.Consignment']['Consignment.Parcel'] = _parcel_services return dict_data
[docs] def generate_additional_services_data(self, list_data=None): """ Generate additional services data. :param list_data: list of dictionary of additional services :return list_data: list of formatted dictionary of additional services """ if list_data is None: return None _var_type = type(list_data).__name__ _return_list = [] if _var_type == 'list': for dict_data in list_data: _return_list.append(self.get_one_additional_service_data(**dict_data)) elif _var_type == 'dict': _return_list.append(self.get_one_additional_service_data(**list_data)) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported data type") return _return_list
[docs] def get_one_additional_service_data(self, **kwargs): """ Generate one additional service data item. :param kwargs: contain following keys: ServiceCode: string of additional service code Specifier: list of dictionary or dictionary of service details. See get_one_specifier_data() function for\ input format :return dict_data: dictionary for one additional service """ _return_dict = { 'AdditionalService.ServiceCode': kwargs['ServiceCode'], } _specifiers = kwargs['Specifier'] _data_type = type(_specifiers).__name__ if _data_type == 'dict': _return_dict['AdditionalService.Specifier'] = self.get_one_specifier_data(**_specifiers) elif _data_type == 'list': _specifier_list = [] for _a_dict_specifier in _specifiers: _specifier_list.append(self.get_one_specifier_data(**_a_dict_specifier)) _return_dict['AdditionalService.Specifier'] = _specifier_list else: raise ValueError("Unsupported data type") return _return_dict
[docs] def get_one_specifier_data(self, **kwargs): """ Generate one specifier data item :param kwargs: contain following keys: name: attribute name for additional service value: attribute value :return dict_data: dictionary of one specifier """ dict_data = { 'name': kwargs['name'], 'value': kwargs['value'] } return dict_data
[docs] def generate_parcels_data(self, list_data=None): """ Generate parcels data. :param list_data: list of dictionary of parcels :return list_data: list of formatted dictionary of parcels """ if list_data is None: return None _var_type = type(list_data).__name__ _return_list = [] if _var_type == 'list': for dict_data in list_data: _return_list.append(self.get_one_parcel_data(**dict_data)) elif _var_type == 'dict': _return_list.append(self.get_one_parcel_data(**list_data)) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported data type") return _return_list
[docs] def get_one_parcel_data(self, **kwargs): """ Generate one parcel data. :param kwargs: dictionary contain following keys: Reference: parcel reference PackageType: code of package type Weight: dictionary with 'weight_unit' and 'value' key. Volume: dictionary with 'unit' and 'value' key. InfoCode: Contents: product description ReturnService: return service code ContentLine: dictionary of parcel content data ParcelServices: parcel additional service (optional) :return dict_data: dictionary of parcel data """ # print("Kwargs {}".format(kwargs)) _parcel_data = { 'Parcel.Reference': kwargs['Reference'], 'Parcel.Packagetype': kwargs['PackageType'], 'Parcel.Weight': { 'weight_unit': kwargs['Weight']['weight_unit'], 'value': kwargs['Weight']['value'], }, 'Parcel.Volume': { 'unit': kwargs['Volume']['unit'], 'value': kwargs['Volume']['value'], }, 'Parcel.Infocode': kwargs['InfoCode'], 'Parcel.Contents': kwargs['Contents'], 'Parcel.ReturnService': kwargs['ReturnService'], 'Parcel.contentline': {}, 'Parcel.ParcelService': None } if kwargs['ContentLine'] is not None and len(kwargs['ContentLine']) > 0: _parcel_data['Parcel.contentline'] = { 'contentline.description': kwargs['ContentLine']['description'], 'contentline.quantity': kwargs['ContentLine']['quantity'], 'contentline.currency': kwargs['ContentLine']['currency'], 'contentline.netweight': kwargs['ContentLine']['netweight'], 'contentline.value': kwargs['ContentLine']['value'], 'contentline.countryoforigin': kwargs['ContentLine']['countryoforigin'], 'contentline.tariffcode': kwargs['ContentLine']['tariffcode'], } if kwargs['ParcelServices'] is not None and len(kwargs['ParcelServices']) > 0: _parcel_services = [] if type(kwargs['ParcelServices']).__name__ == 'dict': _parcel_services.append(self.get_one_parcel_service_data(**kwargs['ParcelServices'])) elif type(kwargs['ParcelServices']).__name__ == 'list': for dict_data in kwargs['ParcelServices']: _parcel_services.append(self.get_one_parcel_service_data(**dict_data)) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported data type") _parcel_data['Parcel.ParcelService'] = _parcel_services return _parcel_data
[docs] def get_one_parcel_service_data(self, **kwargs): """ Generate one parcel service data. :param kwargs: dictionary of parcel service code, contain following key: ServiceCode: parcel service code - string :return dict_data: dictionary of one parcel service """ dict_data = { 'ServiceCode': kwargs['ServiceCode'] } return dict_data
[docs] def get_create_shipment_test_data(self): """ Main function to generate test data set for create shipment request call. :return dict_data: dictionary of request data """ routing_id = '1464524676' order_alias = 'ORDER001' if sys.version_info < (3, 0): additional_info = "å Order no.: 1107-1 -- Reference no.: 284554".decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8') recipient_address = 'Nikinväylä 3 test'.decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8') else: additional_info = "å Order no.: 1107-1 -- Reference no.: 284554" recipient_address = "Nikinväylä 3 test" # [2.11.2018 - Tipi] Pickup point service can't have multiple parcels # Only following dispatch types support multiple parcel service: # Matkahuolto - Bussipaketti, Posti - Express-paketti, Matkahuolto - Jakopaketti, # Posti - Kotipaketti, Matkahuolto - Lähi-/Verkkopaketti dict_data = { 'eChannel': { 'ROUTING': { 'Routing.Account': self._api_key, 'Routing.Key': self.get_routing_key(routing_id), 'Routing.Id': routing_id, 'Routing.Name': order_alias, 'Routing.Time':'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), # - Ignored parameters in Pakettikauppa # 'Routing.Target' => { 'content' => '' }, # 'Routing.Source' => { 'content' => '' }, # 'Routing.Version' => { 'content' => '' }, # 'Routing.Mode' => { 'content' => '' }, }, 'Shipment': { 'Shipment.Sender': { 'Sender.Contractid': '', 'Sender.Name1': 'Vilkas Group Oy', 'Sender.Name2': '', 'Sender.Addr1': 'Finlaysoninkuja 19', 'Sender.Addr2': '', 'Sender.Addr3': '', 'Sender.Postcode': '33210', 'Sender.City': 'Tampere', 'Sender.Country': 'FI', 'Sender.Phone': '', 'Sender.Vatcode': '1234567-8', 'Sender.Email': '', }, 'Shipment.Recipient': { # 'Recipient.Code': '', 'Recipient.Name1': 'Receiver name', 'Recipient.Name2': '', 'Recipient.Addr1': recipient_address, 'Recipient.Addr2': '', 'Recipient.Addr3': '', 'Recipient.Postcode': '33100', 'Recipient.City': 'Tampere', 'Recipient.Country': 'FI', 'Recipient.Phone': '123456789', 'Recipient.Vatcode': '', 'Recipient.Email': '', }, 'Shipment.Consignment': { 'Consignment.Reference': '3211479032410', 'Consignment.Product': '2103', # - Posti's product code 2103 (Postipaketti), product code for Bussipaketti is 90010 but then below pickup point is not available 'Consignment.Contentcode': 'D', # Order->get('PR_ContentCode') 'Consignment.ReturnInstruction': 'E', # Order->get('PR_ReturnInstruction') # 'Consignment.ReturnInstruction': None, 'Consignment.Invoicenumber': order_alias, 'Consignment.Merchandisevalue': 150, # Order->get('PR_Merchandisevalue') 'Consignment.Currency': 'EUR', 'Consignment.AdditionalInfo': { 'AdditionalInfo.Text': additional_info }, 'Consignment.AdditionalService': [ { 'AdditionalService.ServiceCode': '2106', # pickup point service 'AdditionalService.Specifier': { 'name': 'pickup_point_id', 'value': '8547', } }, { 'AdditionalService.ServiceCode': '3101', # cash on delivery service 'AdditionalService.Specifier': [ { 'name': 'amount', 'value': '150' }, { 'name': 'account', 'value': 'FI2180000012345678' }, { 'name': 'codbic', 'value': 'DABAFIHH' }, { 'name': 'reference', 'value': '12344' }, ] }, ], 'Consignment.Parcel': [ { 'Parcel.Reference': '123456', # not mandatory 'Parcel.Packagetype': 'PC', 'Parcel.Weight': {'weight_unit': 'kg', 'value': '1.2'}, 'Parcel.Volume': {'unit': 'm3', 'value': '0.6'}, 'Parcel.Infocode': '1012', 'Parcel.Contents': 'Test products', # product description 'Parcel.ReturnService': '123', # Customs declaration info (for medicine) 'Parcel.contentline': { 'contentline.description': 'Puita', 'contentline.quantity': 1, 'contentline.currency': 'EUR', 'contentline.netweight': 1, 'contentline.value': 100, 'contentline.countryoforigin': 'FI', 'contentline.tariffcode': '9608101000', }, # this is not really needed in Pakettikauppa but Prinetti 'Parcel.ParcelService': [] # 'Parcel.ParcelService': [ # { # 'ParcelService.Servicecode': 'parcel service code' # }, # { # 'ParcelService.Servicecode': 'parcel service code 2' # }, # ] } ] } # end Shipment.Consignment } # end Shipment } # end eChannel } return dict_data
[docs] def get_create_multi_parcels_shipment_test_data(self): """ Main function to generate test data set for create shipment request call. :return dict_data: dictionary of request data """ routing_id = '1464524676' order_alias = 'ORDER002' if sys.version_info < (3, 0): additional_info = "å Order no.: 1108-1 -- Reference no.: 284555".decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8') recipient_address = 'Nikinväylä 3 test'.decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8') else: additional_info = "å Order no.: 1108-1 -- Reference no.: 284555" recipient_address = "Nikinväylä 3 test" # [2.11.2018 - Tipi] Pickup point service can't have multiple parcels # Only following dispatch types support multiple parcel service: # Matkahuolto - Bussipaketti, Posti - Express-paketti, Matkahuolto - Jakopaketti, # Posti - Kotipaketti, Matkahuolto - Lähi-/Verkkopaketti dict_data = { 'eChannel': { 'ROUTING': { 'Routing.Account': self._api_key, 'Routing.Key': self.get_routing_key(routing_id), 'Routing.Id': routing_id, 'Routing.Name': order_alias, 'Routing.Time':'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), # - Ignored parameters in Pakettikauppa # 'Routing.Target' => { 'content' => '' }, # 'Routing.Source' => { 'content' => '' }, # 'Routing.Version' => { 'content' => '' }, # 'Routing.Mode' => { 'content' => '' }, }, 'Shipment': { 'Shipment.Sender': { 'Sender.Contractid': '', 'Sender.Name1': 'Vilkas Group Oy', 'Sender.Name2': '', 'Sender.Addr1': 'Finlaysoninkuja 19', 'Sender.Addr2': '', 'Sender.Addr3': '', 'Sender.Postcode': '33210', 'Sender.City': 'Tampere', 'Sender.Country': 'FI', 'Sender.Phone': '', 'Sender.Vatcode': '1234567-8', 'Sender.Email': '', }, 'Shipment.Recipient': { # 'Recipient.Code': '', 'Recipient.Name1': 'Receiver name', 'Recipient.Name2': '', 'Recipient.Addr1': recipient_address, 'Recipient.Addr2': '', 'Recipient.Addr3': '', 'Recipient.Postcode': '33100', 'Recipient.City': 'Tampere', 'Recipient.Country': 'FI', 'Recipient.Phone': '123456789', 'Recipient.Vatcode': '', 'Recipient.Email': '', }, 'Shipment.Consignment': { 'Consignment.Reference': '3211479032410', 'Consignment.Product': '2102', # - Posti-Express-paketti 'Consignment.Contentcode': '', # Order->get('PR_ContentCode') 'Consignment.ReturnInstruction': None, # Order->get('PR_ReturnInstruction') # 'Consignment.ReturnInstruction': None, 'Consignment.Invoicenumber': order_alias, 'Consignment.Merchandisevalue': 150, # Order->get('PR_Merchandisevalue') 'Consignment.Currency': 'EUR', 'Consignment.AdditionalInfo': { 'AdditionalInfo.Text': additional_info }, 'Consignment.AdditionalService': [ { 'AdditionalService.ServiceCode': '3102', # multiple parcel 'AdditionalService.Specifier': { 'name': 'count', 'value': '2', } } ], 'Consignment.Parcel': [ { 'Parcel.Reference': '123456', # not mandatory 'Parcel.Packagetype': 'PC', 'Parcel.Weight': {'weight_unit': 'kg', 'value': '1.2'}, 'Parcel.Volume': {'unit': 'm3', 'value': '0.6'}, 'Parcel.Infocode': '1012', 'Parcel.Contents': 'Test products', # product description 'Parcel.ReturnService': '123', # Customs declaration info (for medicine) 'Parcel.contentline': { 'contentline.description': 'Puita', 'contentline.quantity': 1, 'contentline.currency': 'EUR', 'contentline.netweight': 1, 'contentline.value': 100, 'contentline.countryoforigin': 'FI', 'contentline.tariffcode': '9608101000', }, # this is not really needed in Pakettikauppa but Prinetti 'Parcel.ParcelService': [] # 'Parcel.ParcelService': [ # { # 'ParcelService.Servicecode': 'parcel service code' # }, # { # 'ParcelService.Servicecode': 'parcel service code 2' # }, # ] }, { 'Parcel.Reference': '123457', 'Parcel.Packagetype': 'PC', 'Parcel.Weight': {'weight_unit': 'kg', 'value': '1.2'}, 'Parcel.Volume': {'unit': 'm3', 'value': '0.6'}, 'Parcel.Infocode': '1012', 'Parcel.Contents': 'Muttereita ja puita', # product description 'Parcel.ReturnService': '123', # Customs declaration info (for medicine) 'Parcel.contentline': {}, # 'Parcel.contentline': { # 'contentline.description': 'Puita', # 'contentline.quantity': 1, # 'contentline.currency': 'EUR', # 'contentline.netweight': 1, # 'contentline.value': 100, # 'contentline.countryoforigin': 'FI', # 'contentline.tariffcode': '9608101000', # }, # this is not really needed in Pakettikauppa but Prinetti 'Parcel.ParcelService': None }, ] } # end Shipment.Consignment } # end Shipment } # end eChannel } return dict_data
[docs] def validate_input_params_create_shipment(self, **kwargs): if len(kwargs) <= 0: raise KeyError("Require input parameters") self.mylogger.debug("Root input data = {}".format(kwargs)) if 'eChannel' not in kwargs: raise KeyError("eChannel key is missing") self.validate_routing_data(**kwargs) if 'Shipment' not in kwargs['eChannel']: raise KeyError("Shipment key is missing") if 'Shipment.Sender' not in kwargs['eChannel']['Shipment']: raise KeyError("Missing Shipment.Sender key") if 'Sender.Name1' and 'Sender.Addr1' and 'Sender.Postcode' and 'Sender.City' and 'Sender.Country' \ and 'Sender.Vatcode' and 'Sender.Email' not in kwargs['eChannel']['Shipment']['Shipment.Sender']: raise KeyError("Missing mandatory key in Shipment.Sender element") if 'Shipment.Recipient' not in kwargs['eChannel']['Shipment']: raise KeyError("Missing Shipment.Recipient key") if 'Recipient.Name1' and 'Recipient.Addr1' and 'Recipient.Postcode' and 'Recipient.City' \ and 'Recipient.Country' and 'Recipient.Phone' and 'Recipient.Email' not in \ kwargs['eChannel']['Shipment']['Shipment.Recipient']: raise KeyError("Missing mandatory key in Shipment.Recipient element") if 'Shipment.Consignment' not in kwargs['eChannel']['Shipment']: raise KeyError("Missing Shipment.Consignment key") if 'Consignment.Reference' and 'Consignment.Product' and 'Consignment.Contentcode' and \ 'Consignment.Invoicenumber' and 'Consignment.Currency' and 'Consignment.Parcel' not in \ kwargs['eChannel']['Shipment']['Shipment.Consignment']: raise KeyError("Missing mandatory key in Shipment.Consignment element") return
[docs] def validate_routing_data(self, **kwargs): if 'ROUTING' not in kwargs['eChannel']: raise KeyError("ROUTING key is missing") dict_routing = kwargs['eChannel']['ROUTING'] if len(dict_routing) == 0: raise ValueError("Missing routing data") self.mylogger.debug("Data type for ROUTING key = " + type(dict_routing).__name__) if type(dict_routing).__name__ != 'dict': raise TypeError("Invalid data type for ROUTING key") if 'Routing.Account' and 'Routing.Id' and 'Routing.Key' and 'Routing.Name' and 'Routing.Time' not in \ kwargs['eChannel']['ROUTING']: raise KeyError("Missing mandatory key in ROUTING element") return
[docs] def get_xml_shipment_req_data(self, **kwargs): """ Construct XML string of request data for create shipment API :param kwargs: Kwargs: eChannel: dictionary with following keys ROUTING: see _create_routing_elements() function Shipment: see _create_shipment_elements() function :return xml_string: string of XML request data for create shipment API """ self.validate_input_params_create_shipment(**kwargs) root = ET.Element('eChannel') dict_routing = kwargs['eChannel']['ROUTING'] self._create_routing_elements(root, **dict_routing) self._create_shipment_elements(root, **kwargs['eChannel']['Shipment']) xml_string = ET.tostring(root, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8") self.mylogger.debug("XML string = {}".format(xml_string)) return xml_string
def _create_routing_elements(self, root_element, **kwargs): """ Append 'ROUTING' element to root :param root_element: XML root element object :param kwargs: Kwargs: Routing.Account: API key Routing.Id: string of routing ID, could be order id or shop id Routing.Name: string of routing name, could be order alias or shop alias or combination of shop alias and\ order alias. Routing.Time: datetime string in following format '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' :return: """ routing_root = ET.SubElement(root_element, "ROUTING") account_element = ET.SubElement(routing_root, "Routing.Account") account_element.text = str(kwargs['Routing.Account']) routing_id_element = ET.SubElement(routing_root, "Routing.Id") routing_id_element.text = str(kwargs['Routing.Id']) routing_key_element = ET.SubElement(routing_root, "Routing.Key") digest_string = self.get_md5_hash(self._api_key, self._secret, kwargs['Routing.Id']) routing_key_element.text = digest_string routing_name_element = ET.SubElement(routing_root, "Routing.Name") routing_name_element.text = str(kwargs['Routing.Name']) routing_time_element = ET.SubElement(routing_root, "Routing.Time") routing_time_element.text = str(kwargs['Routing.Time']) return def _create_shipment_elements(self, root_element, **kwargs): """ Append Shipment element to root element. :param root_element: root element object :param kwargs: Kwargs: Shipment.Recipient: recipient address information. See _create_shipment_address_element() function Shipment.Sender: sender address information. See _create_shipment_address_element() function Shipment.Consignment: consignment data. See _create_shipment_consignment_element() function :return: """ shipment_root = ET.SubElement(root_element, "Shipment") self._create_shipment_address_element(shipment_root, "recipient", **kwargs['Shipment.Recipient']) self._create_shipment_address_element(shipment_root, "sender", **kwargs['Shipment.Sender']) self.logger.debug("[_create_shipment_elements] Shipment.Consignment={}".format(kwargs['Shipment.Consignment'])) self._create_shipment_consignment_element(shipment_root, **kwargs['Shipment.Consignment']) def _create_shipment_address_element(self, root_element, address_type="recipient", **kwargs): """ Append address element according to given address type :param root_element: root element for appending :param address_type: possible values: 'recipient' and 'sender'. Default value is 'recipient' :param kwargs: Kwargs for 'recipient' type: Recipient.Name1: recipient name Recipient.Name2: Recipient.Addr1: street address Recipient.Addr2: Recipient.Addr3: Recipient.Postcode: postal code Recipient.City: city name Recipient.Country: 2 letter of country code i.e. 'FI' Recipient.Phone: phone number Recipient.Vatcode: VAT code Recipient.Email: email address Kwargs for 'sender' type: Sender.Contractid: can leave it empty (not really in used) Sender.Name1: sender name Sender.Name2: Sender.Addr1: street address Sender.Addr2: Sender.Addr3: Sender.Postcode: postal code Sender.City: city name Sender.Country: 2 letter of country code i.e. 'FI' Sender.Phone: phone number Sender.Vatcode: VAT code Sender.Email: email address :return: """ address_type = address_type.lower() accept_value = ('recipient', 'sender') if address_type not in accept_value: raise ValueError("Invalid value. Possible value are 'recipient' and 'sender'.") if address_type == "recipient": address_root_element = ET.SubElement(root_element, "Shipment.Recipient") else: address_root_element = ET.SubElement(root_element, "Shipment.Sender") for key in kwargs: if address_type == "recipient": if key not in self._accept_recipient_keys: raise KeyError("Invalid key") else: if key not in self._accept_sender_keys: raise KeyError("Invalid key") child = ET.SubElement(address_root_element, key) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): child.text = kwargs[key].decode('utf-8') else: child.text = str(kwargs[key]) return def _create_shipment_consignment_element(self, root_element, **kwargs): """ Constructs consignment elements :param root_element: root xml element :param kwargs: Kwargs: Consignment.Currency: consignment currency code i.e. 'EUR' Consignment.Product: Posti's product code Consignment.Reference: consignment reference string Consignment.Invoicenumber: consignment invoice number string Consignment.AdditionalInfo: See create_additional_info_element() function Consignment.Contentcode: See _create_content_code_element() function Consignment.ReturnInstruction: See _create_return_instruction_element() function Consignment.Merchandisevalue: merchandise price value Consignment.AdditionalService: See _create_additional_service_elements() function Consignment.Parcel: See _create_one_consignment_parcel() function :return: """ if kwargs is None or len(kwargs) == 0: raise KeyError("Input parameter cannot be empty.") self.logger.debug("[_create_shipment_consignment_element] KWARGS={}".format(kwargs)) root = ET.SubElement(root_element, "Shipment.Consignment") create_currency_element(root, kwargs['Consignment.Currency']) create_product_element(root, kwargs['Consignment.Product']) create_reference_element(root, kwargs['Consignment.Reference']) self._create_invoice_number_element(root, kwargs['Consignment.Invoicenumber']) self.create_additional_info_element(root, **kwargs['Consignment.AdditionalInfo']) self._create_content_code_element(root, kwargs['Consignment.Contentcode']) info_code_element = ET.SubElement(root, "Consignment.Infocode") info_code_element.text = '' if kwargs['Consignment.ReturnInstruction'] is not None: self._create_return_instruction_element(root, kwargs['Consignment.ReturnInstruction']) # this is for aboard shipment when custom need to know value of products in the shipment if kwargs['Consignment.Merchandisevalue'] is not None: create_merchandise_value_element(root, kwargs['Consignment.Merchandisevalue']) self._create_additional_service_elements(root, kwargs['Consignment.AdditionalService']) if type(kwargs['Consignment.Parcel']).__name__ == 'dict': self._create_one_consignment_parcel(root, **kwargs['Consignment.Parcel']) elif type(kwargs['Consignment.Parcel']).__name__ == 'list': if kwargs['Consignment.Parcel'] is None: return if len(kwargs['Consignment.Parcel']) == 0: return for one_dict_data in kwargs['Consignment.Parcel']: self._create_one_consignment_parcel(root, **one_dict_data) else: raise PakettikauppaException("Invalid argument type for 'Consignment.Parcel' key") def _create_additional_service_elements(self, root, list_services): """ Append 'Consignment.AdditionalService' element and its children element to given root object. :param root: root XML element object :param list_services: list data of dictionary of additional services :return: """ if list_services is None: return if len(list_services) == 0: return if type(list_services).__name__ != 'list': raise ValueError("Expected data type list") for dict_data in list_services: additional_service_root_element = ET.SubElement(root, "Consignment.AdditionalService") self.mylogger.debug("Inner Hash= {}".format(dict_data)) for key in dict_data: value_data_type = type(dict_data[key]).__name__ # self.mylogger.debug("Key= {}, Value={}".format(key, dict_data[key])) self.mylogger.debug("[_create_additional_service_elements] Value data type={}".format(value_data_type)) if value_data_type == 'dict': if key == 'AdditionalService.Specifier': self._create_one_service_specifier(additional_service_root_element, dict_data[key]) else: child = ET.SubElement(additional_service_root_element, key) for key2 in dict_data[key]: # self.mylogger.debug("Key2={}, Value={}".format(key2, dict_data[key][key2])) if key2 == 'value': child.text = str(dict_data[key][key2]) else: child.set(key2, str(dict_data[key][key2])) elif value_data_type == 'list': # array case for one_dict_data in dict_data[key]: self._create_one_service_specifier(additional_service_root_element, one_dict_data) else: # string case if dict_data[key] is not None: child = ET.SubElement(additional_service_root_element, key) child.text = str(dict_data[key]) def _create_one_service_specifier(self, additional_service_root_element, dict_data): """ Append 'AdditionalService.Specifier' element to additional service root element. :param additional_service_root_element: additional service root element object :param dict_data: dictionary with 'name' and 'value' key. 'name' is for attribute in XML element. 'value' is\ for content of XML element. :return: """ self.mylogger.debug("[_create_one_service_specifier] dict_data={}".format(dict_data)) if dict_data is None: return if len(dict_data) == 0: return child = ET.SubElement(additional_service_root_element, 'AdditionalService.Specifier') for key in dict_data: if key == 'value': child.text = str(dict_data[key]) else: child.set(key, str(dict_data[key])) def _create_invoice_number_element(self, root, value=None): """ Create 'Consignment.Invoicenumber' element under given root object. :param root: root XML element object :param value: string of invoice number :return: """ self.logger.debug("Invoice number value={}".format(value)) if value is None: value = '' invoice_number_element = ET.SubElement(root, "Consignment.Invoicenumber") invoice_number_element.text = str(value) def _create_content_code_element(self, root, value): """ Append 'Consignment.Contentcode' element to given root object. For multiple parcel this item can accept empty string :param root: root XML element object :param value: string of content code :return: """ if value is not None and value != '': value = str(value) self._validate_content_code_value(value) content_element = ET.SubElement(root, "Consignment.Contentcode") content_element.text = value def _validate_content_code_value(self, code): """ Validate given content code and raise error if the value is invalid. :param code: 1 letter of content code. Possible values:'D', 'E', 'G', 'M' and 'S' :return: """ if code not in self._content_codes: raise PakettikauppaException("Invalid content code. Possible values:'D', 'E', 'G', 'M' and 'S'") def _create_return_instruction_element(self, root, value=''): """ Append 'Consignment.ReturnInstruction' element to given root object :param root: root XML element object :param value: a letter of return instruction code. Possible value are 'E', 'H' and 'L' :return: """ if value != '': self._validate_return_instruction_code(value) return_instruction_element = ET.SubElement(root, "Consignment.ReturnInstruction") return_instruction_element.text = str(value) def _validate_return_instruction_code(self, code): """ Validate given return instruction code. Raise exception if given code is invalid. :param code: a letter of return instruction code. Possible value are 'E', 'H' and 'L' :return: """ if code not in self._return_instruction_codes: raise PakettikauppaException("Invalid return instruction code. Possible value are 'E', 'H' and 'L'") def _create_one_consignment_parcel(self, root, **kwargs): """ Append 'Consignment.Parcel' element and its children element to given root object :param root: root XML element object :param kwargs: See _create_parcel_elements() function :return: """ if kwargs is None: return if len(kwargs) == 0: return parcel_root_element = ET.SubElement(root, "Consignment.Parcel") parcel_root_element.set("type", "normal") self._create_parcel_elements(parcel_root_element, **kwargs) def _create_parcel_elements(self, parcel_root_element, **kwargs): """ Append child elements to 'Consignment.Parcel' element. :param parcel_root_element: parcel root element object. :param kwargs: Kwargs: Parcel.contentline: See _create_content_line_elements() function Parcel.ParcelService: See _create_parcel_service_elements() function Parcel.Weight: dictionary of weight data with 'weight_unit' and 'value' key. Parcel.Volume: dictionary of volume data with 'unit' and 'value' key Parcel.Reference: parcel reference Parcel.Packagetype: code of package type. See _validate_package_type() for code details. Parcel.Infocode: Parcel.Contents: product description Parcel.ReturnService: :return: """ parcel_reference_element = ET.SubElement(parcel_root_element, "Parcel.Reference") parcel_reference_element.text = None # self.mylogger.debug("Hash input for creating Parcel elements={}".format(kwargs)) for key in kwargs: if key not in self._accept_parcel_keys: raise KeyError("Invalid key parameter") if key == 'Parcel.contentline': self._create_content_line_elements(parcel_root_element, **kwargs[key]) elif key == 'Parcel.ParcelService': self._create_parcel_service_elements(parcel_root_element, kwargs[key]) elif key == 'Parcel.Weight': if kwargs[key]['weight_unit'] is None or kwargs[key]['weight_unit'] == '': raise PakettikauppaException("Expect value in weight_unit parameter") if kwargs[key]['value'] is None or kwargs[key]['value'] == '': raise PakettikauppaException("Require parcel weight in 'value' parameter") child = ET.SubElement(parcel_root_element, key) child.set("unit", kwargs[key]['weight_unit']) child.text = str(kwargs[key]['value']) elif key == 'Parcel.Volume': volume_unit = kwargs[key]['unit'] if kwargs[key]['unit'] is None or kwargs[key]['unit'] == '': volume_unit = 'm3' if kwargs[key]['value'] is None or kwargs[key]['value'] == '': raise PakettikauppaException("Require parcel volume in 'value' parameter") child = ET.SubElement(parcel_root_element, key) child.set("unit", str(volume_unit)) child.text = str(kwargs[key]['value']) else: # expected string value from kwargs[key] # self.mylogger.debug("Key for creating Parcel elements={}, Value={}".format(key, kwargs[key])) if not isinstance(kwargs[key], string_types): raise PakettikauppaException("Invalid value in key={}".format(key)) if key == 'Parcel.Packagetype': if kwargs[key] is None or kwargs[key] == '': kwargs[key] = 'PC' self._validate_package_type(kwargs[key]) child = ET.SubElement(parcel_root_element, key) child.text = str(kwargs[key]) def _validate_package_type(self, code=None): """ Validate package type code. Raise exception if code is invalid. :param code: string of package type code :return: """ if code not in self._package_types: raise PakettikauppaException("Invalid package type code") def _create_content_line_elements(self, parcel_root_element, **kwargs): self.mylogger.debug("[_create_content_line_elements]Length of data={}".format(len(kwargs))) if kwargs is None: return if len(kwargs) == 0: return root = ET.SubElement(parcel_root_element, "Parcel.contentline") for key in kwargs: child = ET.SubElement(root, key) child.text = str(kwargs[key]) # Not yet getting expected result in Test server
[docs] def get_shipment_status(self, tracking_code): """ Get shipment status from Pakettikauppa. :param tracking_code: string of tracking code for checking :return: """ _api_config = self.get_api_config('get_shipment_status') dict_req_data = self.get_shipment_status_req_data(tracking_code) res_obj = super(PkMerchant, self).send_request('POST', _api_config['api_post_url'], dict_req_data) self.logger.debug("[GetShipment] Response={}".format(res_obj.content)) return res_obj
[docs] def get_shipment_status_req_data(self, tracking_code): """ Construct request data for get shipment status API. :param tracking_code: string of tracking code :return dict_data: dictionary of request data """ if tracking_code is None or tracking_code == '': raise ValueError("Require tracking code string") dict_req_data = { 'api_key': self._api_key, 'tracking_code': str(tracking_code), 'timestamp': str(int(time())), # 'timestamp': '1512575546', } # Calculate MAC digest_string = self.get_hash_sha256(self._secret, **dict_req_data) dict_req_data['hash'] = digest_string self.mylogger.debug("Hash data for shipment status= {}".format(dict_req_data)) return dict_req_data
[docs] def get_shipping_label(self, **kwargs): """ Get shipping labels from Pakettikauppa. This API send request data in XML format. :param kwargs: See get_xml_shipping_label_req_data() function :return: See parse_xml_get_shipping_label_res() function """ _api_config = self.get_api_config('get_shipping_label') if self._isInTestMode: if kwargs is not None: xml_req_data = self.get_xml_shipping_label_req_data(**kwargs) else: dict_data = self.get_shipping_label_req_test_data() xml_req_data = self.get_xml_shipping_label_req_data(**dict_data) else: xml_req_data = self.get_xml_shipping_label_req_data(**kwargs) headers = { 'Content-Encoding': 'utf-8', 'Content-Type': 'application/xml' } res_obj = super(PkMerchant, self).send_request('POST', _api_config['api_post_url'], xml_req_data, **headers) xml_res_string = res_obj.content self.mylogger.debug("Response XML string = {}".format(xml_res_string)) return self.parse_xml_get_shipping_label_res(xml_res_string)
[docs] def parse_xml_get_shipping_label_res(self, xml_string): """ Construct dictionary from response data. :param xml_string: XML string of response data :return: dict_data: dictionary, contains below keys status (integer): 1 = operation OK message (string): response message PDFcontent (string): binary data of PDF content ContentEncoded (boolean): True = PDFContent data is encoded """ if xml_string is None or xml_string == '': self.mylogger.error("No XML string pass to the function") return None root = ET.fromstring(xml_string) status_element = root.find("response.status") status = str(status_element.text) self.mylogger.debug("Response status from Pakettikauppa = {}".format(status)) message_element = root.find("response.message") pdf_content_element = root.find("response.file") if pdf_content_element is not None: encoded_pdf_content = pdf_content_element.text # self.mylogger.debug("PDF content= {}".format(encoded_pdf_content)) # Pakettikauppa return status=0 means OK if status == '0': dict_data = { 'status': 1, 'message': message_element.text, 'PDFcontent': encoded_pdf_content, 'ContentEncoded': True, } else: dict_data = { 'status': 0, 'message': message_element.text, 'PDFcontent': encoded_pdf_content, 'ContentEncoded': True, } self.mylogger.debug("Return dict data= {}".format(dict_data)) return dict_data else: self.logger.error("Unable to find PDF content from response") return { 'status': 0, 'message': 'Unable to find PDF content from response data', 'PDFcontent': None, 'ContentEncoded': False, }
[docs] def get_shipping_label_req_test_data(self): """ Generate test request data for getting shipping label. :return dict_data: dictionary """ routing_id = '1479035179' order_alias = 'ORDER001' dict_data = { 'eChannel': { 'ROUTING': { 'Routing.Account': self._api_key, 'Routing.Key': self.get_routing_key(routing_id), 'Routing.Id': routing_id, 'Routing.Name': order_alias, 'Routing.Time':'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), # - Ignored parameters in Pakettikauppa # 'Routing.Target' => { 'content' => '' }, # 'Routing.Source' => { 'content' => '' }, # 'Routing.Version' => { 'content' => '' }, # 'Routing.Mode' => { 'content' => '' }, }, 'PrintLabel': { 'responseFormat': "File", # "File" and "inline" are supported. "File" is default 'content': { # Send request for multiple shipping labels # this is for test credential 'TrackingCode': [ { 'Code': 'JJFITESTLABEL601' }, { 'Code': 'JJFITESTLABEL602' }, ] # # or use this way to send a request for one shipping label # This is for Vilkas API key # 'TrackingCode': { # 'Code': 'JJFITESTLABEL1332' # } } } } } return dict_data
[docs] def get_xml_shipping_label_req_data(self, **kwargs): """ Construct XML string request data for getting shipping label :param kwargs: contains following keys eChannel: contains following keys ROUTING: dictionary of routing data PrintLabel: dictionary of tracking codes ROUTING: Routing.Account: API key Routing.Key: MD5 hash string Routing.Id: could be order id or shop id or combination of both Routing.Name: could be order alias or shop alias or combination of both Routing.Time: string of current datetime with following format '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' PrintLabel: responseFormat: expected response data format. Possible values are "File" and "inline", \ "File" is default. content: dictionary of tracking code with 'TrackingCode' as a key. TrackingCode: could be dictionary with 'Code' key or list of dictionary of 'Code' key for asking \ multiple labels Code: string of tracking code :return xml_string: """ if kwargs is None: raise KeyError("Expect input parameters") if len(kwargs) == 0: raise KeyError("Expect input parameters") if 'eChannel' not in kwargs: raise KeyError("eChannel key is missing") self.validate_routing_data(**kwargs) # self.logger.debug("[GetXmlShippingLabel] KWARGS={}".format(kwargs)) root = ET.Element('eChannel') dict_routing = kwargs['eChannel']['ROUTING'] self._create_routing_elements(root, **dict_routing) if 'PrintLabel' not in kwargs['eChannel']: raise KeyError("Missing PrintLabel key") self._create_print_label_element(root, **kwargs['eChannel']['PrintLabel']) # xml_string = minidom.parseString(ET.tostring(root)).toprettyxml(indent=" ", encoding="utf-8") xml_string = ET.tostring(root, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8") self.mylogger.debug("XML string = {}".format(xml_string)) return xml_string
def _create_print_label_element(self, root, **dict_data): """ Append 'PrintLabel' element and its child elements to given root object. :param root: root XML object :param dict_data: dictionary of tracking codes :return: """ if dict_data is None or len(dict_data) == 0: raise KeyError("Missing data in PrintLabel key") if 'responseFormat' not in dict_data: raise KeyError("Missing responseFormat -key") if dict_data['responseFormat'] is None or dict_data['responseFormat'] == '': raise ValueError("Invalid value for responseFormat key") _accept_value = ('File', 'inline') if dict_data['responseFormat'] not in _accept_value: raise ValueError("Invalid value for responseFormat key") if 'content' not in dict_data: raise KeyError("Missing content -key") if 'TrackingCode' not in dict_data['content']: raise KeyError("Missing TrackingCode -key") self.logger.debug("[CreatePrintLabelElement] Dict data={}".format(dict_data)) print_label_element = ET.SubElement(root, "PrintLabel") for key in dict_data: if key != 'content': print_label_element.set(key, dict_data[key]) else: child_dict = dict_data[key] self._create_child_print_label_element(print_label_element, **child_dict) def _create_child_print_label_element(self, print_label_element, **child_dict): """ Append child element to 'PrintLabel' element object. :param print_label_element: print label root element object :param child_dict: dictionary of tracking codes :return: """ for key in child_dict: value_type = type(child_dict[key]).__name__ if value_type == 'str': child = ET.SubElement(print_label_element, key) child.text = child_dict[key] else: if key == 'TrackingCode': if value_type == 'list': self.logger.debug("Child dict:{}".format(child_dict[key])) for dict_code in child_dict[key]: self.logger.debug("dict_code={}".format(dict_code)) _create_one_tracking_code_element(print_label_element, dict_code['Code']) else: # Hash data type _create_one_tracking_code_element(print_label_element, child_dict[key]['Code']) else: raise PakettikauppaException("Unexpected key for creating child element of PrintLabel")
[docs] def create_additional_info_element(self, root, **dict_data): """ Append additional info element to given root object. :param root: root XML object. :param dict_data: dictionary of additional info text :return: """ if dict_data is None: return None if len(dict_data) == 0: return None text_value = dict_data['AdditionalInfo.Text'] if text_value is None: return None self.mylogger.debug("Additional text value type = {}".format(type(text_value).__name__)) # Have to find better to check data type String because it can be unicode, byte #if not isinstance(text_value, string_types): # raise PakettikauppaException("Expect string value in 'AdditionalInfo.Text' parameter") additional_info_root_element = ET.SubElement(root, "Consignment.AdditionalInfo") additional_info_element = ET.SubElement(additional_info_root_element, "AdditionalInfo.Text") if sys.version_info < (3, 0): additional_info_element.text = text_value.decode('utf-8') else: additional_info_element.text = str(text_value)
def _create_parcel_service_elements(self, root, list_services): """ Append 'Parcel.ParcelService' element to given root object. :param root: root XML element object :param list_services: list data of parcel services :return: """ if list_services is None or len(list_services) == 0: return else: for dict_data in list_services: parcel_service_root_element = ET.SubElement(root, "Parcel.ParcelService") for key in dict_data: child = ET.SubElement(parcel_service_root_element, key) child.text = str(dict_data[key]) return
[docs]def create_reference_element(root, value=None): """ Append 'Consignment.Reference' element to given root object. :param root: root XML object :param value: string of reference number :return: """ if value is None: value = '' reference_element = ET.SubElement(root, "Consignment.Reference") reference_element.text = str(value)
[docs]def create_product_element(root, product_code): """ Append 'Consignment.Product' element to given root object. :param root: root XML object :param product_code: string of Posti's product code :return: """ if product_code is None or product_code == '': raise PakettikauppaException("Require product code in 'Consignment.Product'") product_element = ET.SubElement(root, "Consignment.Product") product_element.text = str(product_code)
[docs]def create_merchandise_value_element(root, value=None): """ Append 'Consignment.Merchandisevalue' element to given root object. :param root: root XML element object :param value: string of merchandise value :return: """ merchandise_value_element = ET.SubElement(root, "Consignment.Merchandisevalue") if value is None: merchandise_value_element.text = '' else: merchandise_value_element.text = str(value)
[docs]def create_currency_element(root, value=None): """ Append 'Consignment.Currency' element to given root object. :param root: root XML element object :param value: string of currency code i.e. 'EUR' :return: """ if value is None: value = 'EUR' else: value = value.upper() currency_element = ET.SubElement(root, "Consignment.Currency") currency_element.text = str(value)
def _create_one_tracking_code_element(root, tracking_code): """ Append 'TrackingCode' element to given root object. :param root: root XML element object :param tracking_code: string of tracking code :return: """ child = ET.SubElement(root, "TrackingCode") child.text = str(tracking_code)