Source code for pakettikauppa.reseller

"""This is a module for Pakettikauppa integration for resellers to use

The module provides below functionality:
    1. Create customer
    2. Update customer
    3. Get list of customer
    4. De-activate customer

from __future__ import absolute_import

__version__ = '0.1'
__author__ = 'Porntip Chaibamrung'

import re
import logging
from time import time
from .pakettikauppa import Pakettikauppa, PakettikauppaException, check_api_name

[docs]class PkReseller(Pakettikauppa): """ Pakettikauppa reseller class is mean for reseller. """ _api_key = None _secret = None _isInTestMode = 1 _api_mapping = { 'create_customer': '/customer/create', 'update_customer': '/customer/update', 'list_customer': '/customer/list', 'deactivate_customer': '/customer/deactivate' } accept_payment_service_provider = ('CHECKOUT', 'CREDIT_CARD') _accepted_keys = ('name', 'business_id', 'payment_service_provider', 'psp_merchant_id', 'marketing_name', 'street_address', 'post_office', 'postcode', 'country', 'phone', 'email', 'contact_person_name', 'contact_person_phone', 'contact_person_email', 'customer_service_phone', 'customer_service_email' ) _all_accepted_keys_length = len(_accepted_keys) def __init__(self, is_test_mode=0, api_key=None, secret=None): """ Constructor for Pakettikauppa reseller class. Initial API and secret key included logger. :param is_test_mode: integer value to identify test mode. Zero is default value. If you set '1' to the \ parameter, you may skip passing API key and secret key :param api_key: API key string :param secret: secret key string """ self._isInTestMode = is_test_mode # super().__init__(self._isInTestMode) # for Python3 only super(PkReseller, self).__init__(self._isInTestMode) self.mylogger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if self._isInTestMode == 1: if api_key is None or api_key == '': self._api_key = '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111' else: self._api_key = api_key if secret is None or secret == '': self._secret = 'FEDCBA0987654321' else: self._secret = secret else: if api_key is None or api_key == '': raise PakettikauppaException("Missing API key") else: self._api_key = api_key if secret is None or secret == '': raise PakettikauppaException("Missing API secret key") else: self._secret = secret
[docs] @check_api_name def get_api_suffix(self, api_name=None): """ Get API suffix for given API name. :param api_name: string of API name :return api_suffix: string of API suffix """ if api_name in self._api_mapping: retval = str(self._api_mapping[api_name]) self.mylogger.debug("Api suffix: {}".format(retval)) return retval else: raise PakettikauppaException("Invalid API name. Possible value are 'create_customer', 'update_customer',\ 'list_customer' and 'deactivate_customer'")
[docs] def get_api_config(self, api_name=None): """ Constructs API configuration :param api_name: string of API name :return dict_data: dictionary of configuration data dict_data keys: api_post_url (string): post URL address api_key (string): API key api_secret (string): secret key """ _api_suffix = self.get_api_suffix(api_name) _api_post_url = super(PkReseller, self).get_post_url(_api_suffix) _api_config = { 'api_post_url': _api_post_url, 'api_key': self._api_key, 'api_secret': self._secret } return _api_config
[docs] def clean_up_phone_data(self, phone_string=None): """ Remove none-digit data from phone number. :param phone_string: string of phone number :return: """ if phone_string is None or phone_string == '': return '' else: phone_string = str(phone_string) # self.mylogger.debug("Original phone string={}".format(phone_string)) formatted_string = re.sub('\D', '', phone_string) self.mylogger.debug("[clean_up_phone_data] Formatted phone={}".format(formatted_string)) return formatted_string
[docs] def get_customer_list(self): """ Get list of customer for your account. :return list_data: list of response data """ _api_config = self.get_api_config('list_customer') input_req_data = { 'api_key': self._api_key, 'timestamp': str(int(time())), } # Calculate MAC digest_string = self.get_hash_sha256(self._secret, **input_req_data) input_req_data['hash'] = digest_string self.mylogger.debug("Hash input data={}".format(input_req_data)) res_obj = super(PkReseller, self).send_request('POST', _api_config['api_post_url'], input_req_data) return self.parse_res_to_list(res_obj)
[docs] def create_customer(self, **kwargs): """ Create customer in Pakettikauppa's system. :param kwargs: See get_create_customer_req_data() function :return list_data: list of response data """ h_config = self.get_api_config('create_customer') _hInputData = self.get_create_customer_req_data(**kwargs) res_obj = super(PkReseller, self).send_request('POST', h_config['api_post_url'], _hInputData) return self.parse_res_to_list(res_obj)
[docs] def get_create_customer_req_data(self, **kwargs): """ Construct request data for create customer API. :param kwargs: contains following key name: customer name business_id: VAT ID payment_service_provider: possible values are 'CHECKOUT' and 'CREDIT_CARD', can be empty string psp_merchant_id: Required if payment_service_provider is CHECKOUT. Value is merchant id in the \ Checkout service. marketing_name: optional field street_address: street address post_office: city name postcode: postal code country: country name phone: phone number email: email address contact_person_name: contact person name contact_person_phone: contact person phone number contact_person_email: contact person email address customer_service_phone: customer service phone number customer_service_email: customer service email address :return dict_data: dictionary of request data """ if kwargs is None: raise PakettikauppaException("Require input parameters") key_length = len(kwargs) self.logger.debug("Kwargs length={}".format(key_length)) if key_length == 0: raise KeyError("Require input parameters") _mandatory_keys = ('name', 'business_id', 'street_address', 'post_office', 'postcode', 'country', 'phone', 'email', 'contact_person_name', 'contact_person_phone', 'contact_person_email') mandatory_key_length = len(_mandatory_keys) self.logger.debug("Mandatory key length={}".format(mandatory_key_length)) if key_length != self._all_accepted_keys_length: raise KeyError("Too short parameter") for key in kwargs: if key not in self._accepted_keys: raise KeyError("Invalid key") else: if key in _mandatory_keys: if kwargs[key] is None or kwargs[key] == '': raise ValueError("Mandatory field data is missing") payment_service_provider = kwargs['payment_service_provider'] checkout_account_id = kwargs['psp_merchant_id'] if payment_service_provider is not None and payment_service_provider != '': if payment_service_provider not in self.accept_payment_service_provider: raise ValueError("Invalid payment service provider option") else: if checkout_account_id is None or checkout_account_id == '': raise ValueError("Require checkout account id") _hInputData = { 'api_key': self._api_key, 'name': kwargs['name'], 'business_id': kwargs['business_id'], 'payment_service_provider': payment_service_provider, 'psp_merchant_id': checkout_account_id, 'marketing_name': kwargs['marketing_name'], 'street_address': kwargs['street_address'], 'post_office': kwargs['post_office'], 'postcode': kwargs['postcode'], 'country': kwargs['country'], 'phone': self.clean_up_phone_data(kwargs['phone']), 'email': kwargs['email'], 'contact_person_name': kwargs['contact_person_name'], 'contact_person_phone': self.clean_up_phone_data(kwargs['contact_person_phone']), 'contact_person_email': kwargs['contact_person_email'], 'customer_service_phone': self.clean_up_phone_data(kwargs['customer_service_phone']), 'customer_service_email': kwargs['customer_service_email'], } # Calculate MAC digest_string = self.get_hash_sha256(self._secret, **_hInputData) _hInputData['hash'] = digest_string self.mylogger.debug("Hash input data={}".format(_hInputData)) return _hInputData
[docs] def update_customer(self, customer_id=None, **kwargs): """ Update customer details in Pakettikauppa's system. :param customer_id: Pakettikauppa's customer id :param kwargs: attributes that you wish to update. See possible keys from get_create_customer_req_data() :return: """ if customer_id is None: raise PakettikauppaException("Customer id is empty") customer_id = str(customer_id) if customer_id == '': raise PakettikauppaException("Customer id is empty") length_arguments = len(kwargs) self.mylogger.debug("Length of input params={}".format(length_arguments)) if kwargs is None or len(kwargs) == 0: return self.mylogger.debug("Updating customer id={}".format(customer_id)) _api_config = self.get_api_config('update_customer') update_req_data = self.get_update_customer_req_data(customer_id, **kwargs) if update_req_data is None: self.mylogger.debug("No update request data found") return None else: res_obj = super(PkReseller, self).send_request('POST', _api_config['api_post_url'], update_req_data) return self.parse_res_to_list(res_obj)
[docs] def get_update_customer_req_data(self, customer_id, **kwargs): """ Construct request data for updating customer details. :param customer_id: Pakettikauppa's customer id :param kwargs: attributes that you wish to update. See possible keys from get_create_customer_req_data() :return dict_data: dictionary of request data """ update_req_data = { 'api_key': self._api_key, 'customer_id': customer_id, } for key in kwargs: if key in self._accepted_keys: item_value = kwargs[key] if item_value is not None and item_value != '': update_req_data[key] = item_value else: continue else: raise PakettikauppaException("Invalid input key parameter") # Calculate MAC digest_string = self.get_hash_sha256(self._secret, **update_req_data) update_req_data['hash'] = digest_string self.mylogger.debug("Hash update input data={}".format(update_req_data)) return update_req_data
[docs] def deactivate_customer(self, customer_id): """ De-activate customer account in Pakettikauppa's system. :param customer_id: Pakettikauppa's customer id :return list_data: list of response data """ if customer_id is None: raise ValueError("Require customer id") customer_id = str(customer_id) if customer_id == '': raise ValueError("Require customer id") self.mylogger.debug("De-activating customer id={}".format(customer_id)) _api_config = self.get_api_config('deactivate_customer') input_req_data = { 'api_key': self._api_key, 'customer_id': customer_id, 'timestamp': str(int(time())), } # Calculate MAC digest_string = self.get_hash_sha256(self._secret, **input_req_data) input_req_data['hash'] = digest_string self.mylogger.debug("Hash de-activate input data={}".format(input_req_data)) res_obj = super(PkReseller, self).send_request('POST', _api_config['api_post_url'], input_req_data) return self.parse_res_to_list(res_obj)